Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Indian Trinidad

One of the most exciting parts of Trinidad was experience the Indian culture, which makes up 40% of Trinidad's population. We studied Hinduism and Islam, toured a few temples, ate a traditional Hindi meal (on the floor, with our hands!!), and participated in a Muslim festival. We even welcomed into a Hindi church to witness an event where numerous people were possessed by the spirit (similar to speaking in tongues I suppose), which I admit put me a bit out of my comfort zone, but was very interesting nonetheless.

One of my favorite parts was visiting the Waterloo Temple by the Sea. This temple was built during a time when colonialism was strong, and government officials did not allow anyone to build places of worship of any type other than those belonging to the Christian tradition. So, one man decided to build his Hindu temple out in the water, where the land is not owned or regulated by anyone. There is not a bridge connected the temple to the land, and it was quite the site to see!

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