Monday, December 18, 2006

When you are arrivin' on de Island...

Welcome to the sweet island of Trinidad! During my sophomore year in spring 2005 I set off on a much anticipated adventure to study abroad for a semester in Trinidad and Tobago. As you can see from the map that I've included, T&T is located at the very tip of the Caribbean chain of islands. In fact, it is often considered to be part of South America due to the fact that it is only 7 miles off the coast of Venezuela. With such a unique location, its wonderful array of cultures doesn't come as a surprise. While abroad, I lived in Tunapuna, Trinidad, while studying at The University of the West Indies. We lived in a rather urban area while was just outside of the nation's capitol, Port of Spain.

It's going to be hard to do this country justice, considering that I lived there for almost 5 months. I've decided to break this experience up into different categories rather than trying to tackle it all in one post. I obviously experienced many different things in Trinidad, while learning and growing a lot as well.

I also think I should say here that if you want to see more pictures from these latter trips (i.e., the ones where I had a digital camera), please visit my foto website, which is I can get a little overboard when it comes to posting pictures :)

Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride (who says that?)....

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